This research project is funded by an AHRC Early Career Leadership Fellowship (2019-2021) and hosted by the Faculty of Arts and Humanities at the University of Southampton.

Space to Create: Voicing your Vision

Space to Create: Voicing your Vision

Hannah Kemp-Welch, If It Was Laure and Hannah’s Museum (2019). Courtesy of the artist.

Hannah Kemp-Welch, If It Was Laure and Hannah’s Museum (2019). Courtesy of the artist.

What if you were in charge? What if this space were yours to play with? In Laure Prouvost’s If It Was (2015), the artist imagines how she would remake a famous German institution if it were her own art museum. Exploding our expectations of what a gallery can be, she proposes to introduce sleeping cats, singing staff, a giant surfable wave, raspberries on demand and art that can be touched, “improved”... and even licked. In this Space to Create family-friendly workshop, join sound artist Hannah Kemp-Welch and researcher Sarah Hayden to imagine and record—in audio and as a zine—your own wild and wonderful vision of your ideal gallery.

Laure Prouvost’s If It Was (2015) will be screened four times during the workshop.

Hannah Kemp-Welch is a social practice sound artist, working collaboratively with communities to produce audio works for installation, broadcast and performance. Works explore communication and question which voices are prominent in society. How do we listen to others? How can we understand the world around us? Projects are often documented through zines, opening out central questions, inviting play and experimentation, and encouraging collective action as a catalyst for change. Hannah has worked with communities across the UK, and shown works at Tate Modern, Middlesbrough Institute of Modern Art, Firstsite Colchester, Nottingham Contemporary and Kettle’s Yard, Cambridge. Hannah is currently working on Constellations, a research and development programme for artists supported by Up Projects at Flat Time House.

This event will take place as part of the JHG Community Takeover. Community and learning are at the heart of John Hansard Gallery. From 9 May to 6 July, come and experience an exciting range of creative ideas and talents presented by different local groups and partners from across the city of Southampton in our Gallery 1 space. Explore, celebrate, and join in!

Pleasure/ Power/ Play (& Prouvost)

Pleasure/ Power/ Play (& Prouvost)

Our Voices, Our Visions

Our Voices, Our Visions